以太坊链上开源众筹平台Gitcoin在X平台公布GG23的六个社区轮详情,分别是Regen Coordination、GoodDollar GoodBuilders、Token Engineering the Superchain Retro Round、Regen Rio de Janeiro、Gitcoin Grants Garden和Web3 for Universities,每个轮次资金约为2.1万美元。此外,开源软件项目OSS Program申请时间拟于3月17日至31日,QF捐赠时间拟于4月2日至16日。
On March 2nd, Gitcoin announced the upcoming 6-month zkSync Community Program to reward active qualified contributors and drive the growth and adoption of the zkSync ecosystem, which allocates 5 million ZK tokens.
3月2日消息,Gitcoin 宣布即将推出为期 6 个月的 zkSync 社区计划(zkSync Community Program),用于奖励活跃的合格贡献者,并推动 zkSync 生态系统的发展和采用,该计划分配 500 万个 ZK 代币。
On October 16th, Gitcoin, a Web3 public goods protocol, announced the launch of Grants 22, which will last from October 23rd to November 6th. Funding applications are open, and the introduction of on-chain proof and cross-chain donation capabilities is introduced. This round of funding focuses on expanding open-source software (OSS) and supporting digital public goods. There are 4 OSS rounds with a total donation of 1 million US dollars, and 7 community rounds with donations of 12,500 to 20,000 ...
Web3 Privacy Layer COTI announced a partnership with Gitcoin to create a $500,000 grant program designed to accelerate the development of privacy solutions. COTI will use Gitcoin's end-to-end grant solution to create, manage and grow its grant program.
On September 1st, on-chain data revealed that Vitalik donated 17.73 ETH to Gitcoin (Gitcoin: GrantsMultiSig). Arkham revealed that the previous similar transfer occurred in August 23.
The Metis Foundation has partnered with Gitcoin to launch a $4 million annual grant program aimed at fostering innovation and growth in the Metis ecosystem. The first round of funding, hosted by Gitcoin, kicked off today (August 29) with 3,000 METIS (equivalent to $100,000) distributed through a secondary funding round (QF).
On August 22nd, Gitcoin announced at X that GG21 has officially ended, its first fully community-led round. Over the next few weeks, all operators will conduct round analysis and then make payments. Each round will also be reviewed on the Gitcoin Governance Forum. It is reported that GG21 will be held from August 7th to 21st (no OSS rounds), which is an ecosystem "focus" round, with the opportunity to share the stage with the community round.
On August 21st, BadgerDAO yesterday announced the launch of a Gitcoin-backed Badger grant program with a prize pool of $250,000, designed to support Bitcoin's community-driven growth in the DeFi space. The main goals of the program include: supporting projects that enhance the eBTC protocol ecosystem, uncovering new ideas and talent that can add value to the DAO, and encouraging innovation that brings Bitcoin to DeFi.